a little about me

I'm a community-taught software engineer driven by a deep love for problem-solving. My journey began with capitalizing on opportunities to find solutions, but I soon realized that I wanted more— I wanted to build those solutions myself. Today, I'm living my passion by not only solving problems but also crafting innovative solutions.

In the ever-evolving world of technology, I've found my playground. I thrive on learning new things, and there's no better field than tech to satisfy my curiosity. Currently, I'm building my solutions using Python and JavaScript, and I'm diving deeper into the exciting realm of Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Whether it's coding, optimizing, or exploring new horizons, I'm always eager to connect with like-minded professionals. Check out some of my work and once you're done, Let's chat and explore how we can collaborate to tackle the challenges of the digital age.


I am always open to connecting with new friends, talking anime, working on new projects, or just shooting breeze with my fellow techies.

Email me at hire-me@abeardeddev.me or shoot me a quick message using the form below!